Cyber Warriors Face Covering

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Cyber Warriors Face Covering

This exclusive print of our Cyber Warriors is perfect for anyone looking to be stylish on the bus, train, at the shops or even at Keeping You E-Safe Groups (whenever they reopen). What's different to the £10 version? Not much! Same design, cheaper price... just with a different type of fit. Not only is it super stylish, but it will still offer a bit of peace-of-mind.
The elasticated earloops provide a secure fit, and the mask is built to follow contours of your face (very neat!)
Not only are they reusable, they are washable so you can stay on trend forever and ever and ever. It can be machine-washed and even disinfected in the oven.


100% of the profits made from these face coverings will go to funding our E-Safety program and help us help more young people throughout the UK.

Since the team are feeling super nice, we'll even throw in some free delivery (UK only, sorry!)

It is worth noting, in the interest of hygiene, face coverings are non-returnable.

These face coverings have been designed for personal use only, and is not a medical device or personal protective equipment and is not a substitute for the Government’s social distancing guidelines. YPJ makes no claims about the medical benefits of using this product.

Machine washable and completely re-usable.
Wash up to 60°C temperature.
Air drys quickly.